Introduction to cleaner energy

Mother and young boy reading a book on couch with cosy dim light

Powering your house with clean energy

Even with solar panels, you’ll still need to purchase electricity from the grid (unless you go completely off-grid). The energy plan you choose can make a difference to the environment.


In Australia, GreenPower refers to electricity produced by renewable power sources that meet a strict set of criteria for government accreditation. If you choose to buy GreenPower, you’re helping more wind, solar and hydro power to be used in the grid. However, you will pay a premium for GreenPower.

Carbon offsetting your energy usage

A cheaper alternative to GreenPower is carbon offsetting your home energy usage. This is power that comes from the grid, but the energy provider also takes action to remove the equivalent amount of carbon from the earth’s atmosphere. Some providers, like Arcline by RACV, offer plans that carbon offset your energy use.

The choice is yours

You can contribute to a cleaner energy future by choosing an energy provider that offers GreenPower or that carbon offsets your home energy usage. Switching usually only takes a few minutes.